Cake baking is my specialty and this is one of my favorites. The moist, flavorful strawberry cake and the rich, creamy cream cheese and white chocolate...
A sweet-tart dessert that is great with vanilla pudding or ice cream! This is just how I like it, lots of fruit and just a little of the topping. Use 2...
All the flavors of strawberry shortcake, in cupcake-form! Can be made even easier by prepping the day before a party. The final, assembled cupcakes can...
Absolutely delectable and rich! Strawberries are injected with orange brandy, and dipped in rich dark chocolate. You don't have to put the white stripes...
Fresh or frozen strawberries and sweetened whipped cream take your box cake mix to another level. Once chilled, cut into servings and top each piece with...
This was my Grandma Moyer's recipe. It has been missing since at least the mid 80's. I found it stuck the middle of an old book I got after my mom passed...
My grandmother made these crispy, fruity treats with apples, and my mother with sweet corn. When I didn't have either on hand, I substituted bananas and...
Make a healthy, no-added-sugar sorbet in mere minutes with this ingenious recipe! Use banana, strawberry, or a mixture of both! Get creative and use other...
This orange-strawberry sorbet is very easy to make and very refreshing during hot summers. The kids love it, and so do the moms as it is a lot better than...
This strawberry cobbler using fresh strawberries is a fantastic summer dessert. The strawberry filling is saucy without being runny, and the strawberries...
This recipe is fast to assemble and while you can absolutely buy the ingredients pre-made, I prefer to make the cake part myself. You can also use angel...
Bananas are pan-fried with a caramel sauce while chocolate and marshmallows are melted in a saucepan with other yummy ingredients. Serve on top of your...
I thought of making this cheesecake when I wanted to combine strawberry with a classic lemon ricotta cheesecake recipe a friend gave me, the result was...
This recipe is super-simple and easy to make. If you want to impress friends and family and do not like to bake, this recipe is for you. With a few easy...
Delicious lasagna made with graham crackers, banana pudding, cream cheese frosting, and fresh fruit layers. The whole family will love this treat on a...
Most compotes call for excessive amounts of sugar, making them rather calorie laden. This recipe takes advantage of natural ingredients allowing, for the...
Refreshing and light strawberry layer cake. You can make the cake from scratch using one of the recipes on this site. The layers can be wrapped in plastic...
I developed this cake for an Easter party and it was beautiful! It was a refreshing new blend of flavors and now I use fresh herbs as often as I can when...
My family loves this simple parfait for breakfast or dessert (depending on your yogurt and granola choices). The orange zest adds a fresh pop to your usual...
Bright and refreshing, this is not your ordinary strawberry shortcake. The lemon pound cake is sweeter than a biscuit with just a hint of citrus. Topped...
My lighter, no-cook adaptation of semifreddo skips the traditional egg custard and cuts down on fat, sugar, and time. It just so happens to be lighter,...
I modified the candy bar cake into a strawberry layer cake that has been a huge hit. I am now known in my circle of friends as the cake lady. For little...
Grand Marnier® adds a delicate flavour to an old (adult) family favorite. Prepare the berries and allow them to sit on the counter, for no longer than...
My Mom made this a lot when I was younger. It was a favorite whenever we had company over. If you like strawberry shortcake, you will love this! Serve...
This bar is a wonderful combination of sweet strawberries and tart rhubarb, paired with a smooth, creamy filling and a shortbread crust. For an absolutely...